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Why do aortic aneurysms form in specific locations?

Why do aortic aneurysms form in specific locations?

In order to find out what distinguishes the repeatedly affected vascular regions from others, Daniela Wenzel and her team from Bochum and Bonn, which is part of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio 259 "Aortic Diseases", developed a method to specifically examine the endothelium of the aorta: the innermost layer of the blood vessel.

Kenya increases access to modern contraceptives to drive down maternal mortality

Kenya increases access to modern contraceptives to drive down maternal mortality

Dennis Miskella, a senior medical officer and gynecologist in Embu County, Kenya, says it is important for women in Africa to have access to contraceptives to ensure proper spacing between pregnancies.

DNA repair mutations act as a switch for bowel cancer

DNA repair mutations act as a switch for bowel cancer

Bowel cancer cells have the ability to regulate their growth using a genetic on-off switch to maximize their chances of survival, a phenomenon that's been observed for the first time by researchers at UCL and University Medical Center Utrecht.

Exploring PRM-A as a novel glycan-targeted therapy for SARS-CoV-2 inhibition

Exploring PRM-A as a novel glycan-targeted therapy for SARS-CoV-2 inhibition

SARS-CoV-2 strain, JPN/NGS/SC-1/2020 (GISAID Accession ID: EPI_ISL_481254) was provided by Nagasaki University through the National BioResource Project (Human pathogenic viruses) of MEXT, Japan.

Study suggests gastric bypass can reduce cardiovascular disease risk, irrespective of weight loss

Study suggests gastric bypass can reduce cardiovascular disease risk, irrespective of weight loss

In the present non-randomized controlled trial, researchers evaluated the changes in cardiovascular risk variables over six weeks in obese individuals who underwent either a very low-energy diet (VLED, less than 800 kcal/day) or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery along with corresponding caloric restrictions and weight reduction.

Late-night REM sleep loss severely impacts brain connectivity, new study reveals

Late-night REM sleep loss severely impacts brain connectivity, new study reveals

Sleep loss as an outcome of psychosocial stress, shifts in work timings, and, most notably, excessive electronic media consumption have been hitherto linked with obesity, heightened risk of metabolic diseases, and disruptions in emotional processes.

Scientists unveil KLF15 transcription factor’s role in white fat cells, opening new paths for obesity therapy

Scientists unveil KLF15 transcription factor’s role in white fat cells, opening new paths for obesity therapy

Functional assays included measuring oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and energy expenditure in response to adrenergic agonists using metabolic cages and Seahorse analyzers.

Mapping pathogen spread and evolution using genomic and human mobility data

Mapping pathogen spread and evolution using genomic and human mobility data

Dr. Sophie Belman, first author of the study, former PhD student at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and now a Schmidt Science Fellow at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain, said: "While we found that pneumococcal bacteria generally spread slowly, the use of vaccines and antimicrobials can quickly and significantly change these dynamics.

Experiencing gratitude may increase longevity among older adults

Experiencing gratitude may increase longevity among older adults

"Promoting healthy aging is a public health priority, and we hope further studies will improve our understanding of gratitude as psychological resource for enhancing longevity."

Beyond PMS: A Poorly Understood Disorder Means Periods of Despair for Some Women

Beyond PMS: A Poorly Understood Disorder Means Periods of Despair for Some Women

Now Bohn, who lives in Columbia, Missouri, works with medical and nursing schools around the country to change curricula and encourage doctors to ask people in mental health emergencies about their premenstrual symptoms and cycles.

Exercise boosts tumor-killing white blood cells in breast cancer patients

Exercise boosts tumor-killing white blood cells in breast cancer patients

"In our previous study, we found small indications that the type of breast cancer might affect the effects of exercise on white blood cells, which is why we wanted to examine it further.

Pain Doesn’t Belong on a Scale of Zero to 10

Pain Doesn’t Belong on a Scale of Zero to 10

The Veterans Health Administration, for instance, created one that had supplemental questions and visual prompts: A rating of 5 correlated with a frown and a pain level that “interrupts some activities.” The survey took much longer to administer and produced results that were no better than the zero-to-10 system.