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Closing in on Parkinson’s Disease proteins in extracellular vesicles in the blood

Closing in on Parkinson’s Disease proteins in extracellular vesicles in the blood

To overcome this critical bottleneck, researchers have been pursuing the new concept of "liquid biopsies," which involves the easy extraction of blood or other body fluids using non-invasive procedures, and analyzing them for molecules originating from brain and other solid tissues.

Alzheimer’s disease may damage the brain in two phases

Alzheimer’s disease may damage the brain in two phases

Scientists analyzed the brains of 84 people, and the results, published in Nature Neuroscience, suggest that damage to one type of cell, called an inhibitory neuron, during the early phase may trigger the neural circuit problems that underlie the disease.

Bilingualism makes the brain more efficient, especially when learned at a young age

Bilingualism makes the brain more efficient, especially when learned at a young age

The participants were scanned using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record whole-brain connectivity, rather than focusing on specific regions as was done in previous bilingualism studies.