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California State University

Barbeque and grandma’s cookies: New study looks at nostalgia, comfort in food preparation for older adults

Barbeque and grandma’s cookies: New study looks at nostalgia, comfort in food preparation for older adults

Foods that evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort and have good texture variety are important considerations in prepared meals aimed at older adults, according to new Washington State University research.

Breastfeeding is crucial to shaping infant’s microbes and promoting lung health

Breastfeeding is crucial to shaping infant’s microbes and promoting lung health

"Just as a pacemaker regulates the rhythm of the heart, breastfeeding and human milk set the pace and sequence for microbial colonization in the infant's gut and nasal cavity, ensuring that this process occurs in an orderly and timely manner," said study co-senior investigator and computational biologist Liat Shenhav, PhD.

UCSF Favors Pricey Doctoral Program for Nurse-Midwives Amid Maternal Care Crisis

UCSF Favors Pricey Doctoral Program for Nurse-Midwives Amid Maternal Care Crisis

State Assembly member Mia Bonta, who chairs the health committee, said she was “disheartened” to learn that UCSF was eliminating its master’s nurse-midwifery program and feared the additional time and costs to get a doctorate would deter potential applicants.