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White blood cells

Changes in blood cell production over the lifetime could impact leukemia outcomes

Changes in blood cell production over the lifetime could impact leukemia outcomes

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and their colleagues have developed the first comprehensive map of the dramatic changes that take place in the blood system over the course of the human lifetime.

Scientists unveil KLF15 transcription factor’s role in white fat cells, opening new paths for obesity therapy

Scientists unveil KLF15 transcription factor’s role in white fat cells, opening new paths for obesity therapy

Functional assays included measuring oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and energy expenditure in response to adrenergic agonists using metabolic cages and Seahorse analyzers.

Exercise boosts tumor-killing white blood cells in breast cancer patients

Exercise boosts tumor-killing white blood cells in breast cancer patients

"In our previous study, we found small indications that the type of breast cancer might affect the effects of exercise on white blood cells, which is why we wanted to examine it further.