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Expert survey unveils underestimated health impacts of weather and climate on mortality

Expert survey unveils underestimated health impacts of weather and climate on mortality

Since weather and climate hazards are specific with regard to a country and its impacts on a population, this study selected well-validated and open meteorological and health data, particularly from the UK.

Raw white garlic shows promise in boosting heart health and reducing disease risks

Raw white garlic shows promise in boosting heart health and reducing disease risks

Recent meta-analyses have validated these hypotheses, highlighting that garlic can substantially reduce lipid metrics (such as total cholesterol and triglycerides) with no adverse effects alongside red yeast and plant sterols.

Study shows cognitive behavioral therapy can lead to brain changes in depression patients

Study shows cognitive behavioral therapy can lead to brain changes in depression patients

When researchers examined the brain scans, they found that in the group receiving only usual care, a cognitive control circuit that became less active over the course of the study correlated with worsening problem-solving ability.

Boom, Now Bust: Budget Cuts and Layoffs Take Hold in Public Health

Boom, Now Bust: Budget Cuts and Layoffs Take Hold in Public Health

Public health experts warn the accompanying service cuts — functions like contact tracing, immunizations, family planning, restaurant inspections, and more — could send communities into crisis.

As Interest From Families Wanes, Pediatricians Scale Back on Covid Shots

As Interest From Families Wanes, Pediatricians Scale Back on Covid Shots

Pediatricians across the country are pre-ordering the updated and reformulated covid-19 vaccine for the fall and winter respiratory virus season, but some doctors said they’re struggling to predict whether parents will be interested.

Automata Technologies appoints advisory board of senior health and life sciences industry executives

Automata Technologies appoints advisory board of senior health and life sciences industry executives

Attracting this impressive group of senior advisors from across our key sectors of healthcare, biotech, pharma and outsourcing is a great validation for Automata and the potential that our technology can unlock for the industry.

Mucosal COVID-19 boosters outperform mRNA shots in preventing upper airway infections

Mucosal COVID-19 boosters outperform mRNA shots in preventing upper airway infections

In the present study, the researchers used Macaca mulatta or rhesus macaques to investigate the protective immune responses elicited by a mucosal bivalent adenoviral vector vaccine containing stabilized spike protein from the ancestral Wuhan strain and the Omicron BA.5 variant of SARS-CoV-2.

New insights into stiff-person syndrome, advancing diagnosis and treatment

New insights into stiff-person syndrome, advancing diagnosis and treatment

Furthermore, task-specific phobias, a prominent feature in SPS, can range from difficulty initiating walking in crowded places to avoiding escalators and may even relate to performing professional activities such as dancing, lecturing, or singing.

A call for robust H5N1 influenza preparedness and response

A call for robust H5N1 influenza preparedness and response

As a short term consideration, the writers say, "Provided adequate supporting data and regulatory review, stockpiled vaccine(s) should be offered voluntarily to individuals at exposure risk."

UCSF Favors Pricey Doctoral Program for Nurse-Midwives Amid Maternal Care Crisis

UCSF Favors Pricey Doctoral Program for Nurse-Midwives Amid Maternal Care Crisis

State Assembly member Mia Bonta, who chairs the health committee, said she was “disheartened” to learn that UCSF was eliminating its master’s nurse-midwifery program and feared the additional time and costs to get a doctorate would deter potential applicants.

New approach to treat post-COVID symptoms

New approach to treat post-COVID symptoms

The study, published on 30 August 2024 in Brain Medicine (ISSN: 2997-2639, Genomic Press, New York), outlines a multimodal treatment strategy that could offer hope to millions suffering from post-acute infectious syndromes (PAIS), including the condition commonly known as Long COVID.

Scientists reveal global catalog of microbial small proteins, unlocking microbiome secrets

Scientists reveal global catalog of microbial small proteins, unlocking microbiome secrets

Previously dismissed as comprising non-functional ‘junk’ DNA, a growing body of early prediction models and recent studies reveals their extensive biological roles in stress responses, gene expression, housekeeping functions, signal pathways, antimicrobial activities, and photosynthesis, particularly in microorganisms.